Shawn Bradshaw-PPS
Systems Manager
Education: A.A.S. / Business Computer Art & Animation
Expertise: Shawn Bradshaw has over 9 years experience in CAD drafting and
Photogrammetry. He also has experience with various visualization
packages including Photoshop, CorelDRAW, 3d Studio,3d Studio Vis, 3d
MAX, etc. His responsibilities as a photogrammetrist include: Digital
Orthophoto production, digital & field classification, editing, problem
solving, installation of equipment & software, and purchasing of new
equipment. Shawn has experience in Microstation, Decartes, AutoCad,
OrthoKork, OrtoVista and SoftPlotter. Shawn also deals with the
Marketing at GeoData (Advertising, Business Cards, Brochures,News
Letters, and Trade Shows).
Rodney Hough Jeff
Foutch Randy Moss
Stan McRobie